Safes for Cash and Documents

Trezor ROOBUS Office

  • Safes for Secret Information
  • Trezor ROOBUS Office
  • Trezory modelové řady ROOBUS Office jsou ztělesněním nové filozofie společnosti, která pramení z hluboce zakořeněných poznatků o ochraně majetku.
  • http://www.tresorag.cz/en/products/safes-for-secret-Information/roobus-office
  • Kontaktujte nás pro nezávaznou nabídku
Secret Information
  • Protection of Valuables, Documents and Secret Information

  • Models 101 - 801 – Security Class I, for V, D and T Confidentiality Levels

  • Models 102 - 802 Security Class II, for PT Confidentiality Levels

  • New Technology, Innovative Design and High Security

The Roobus Office safe model series change the concept of what a safe looks like! Most people visualize a safe as an unsightly cabinet that cannot be placed in a modern interior. We have shifted this concept in a significant way when developing Roobus Office. The result is a brand new conception of shapes, finish and functionality. The Roobus Office safes are best characterized by terms such as high security, top quality, refined elegance and effective use of the interior space.

The robust construction is one of the attributes that distinguish Roobus Office from other safes. As our experience shows, the mere look of the safe can discourage a thief from an attempted steal. And that is what we aimed at. Solid hinges, a strong cover frame and a correctly selected ratio between the height, width and depth of the safe create an image that suggests advanced technology concealed in the walls of the safe.

The use of the interior of the Roobus Office safes is completely variable. The individual models were designed with regard to the size of the file folders. The only thing you need to do for archiving your documents is to select adjustable shelves that are included in the standard version. If the safe is accessible by more than one person or if you want to also protect cash and valuables in addition to documents, you can have your Roobus Office safe equipped with a locker which will divide the protected space into a zone with increased security and a zone for regular use.

Active blocking pins in flat section 10x100 mm in combination with a security labyrinth – high resistance to assault.
Electronic lock (the colour of the lock can be adjusted to the colour combination of the safe); it is also possible to select a safe key lock (standard version) or a mechanical combination lock.
Armoured bolt mechanism and safety catch bolt – protection of the door against assault.

Static View

3D View


Trezor ROOBUS Office pohled 1 Trezor ROOBUS Office pohled 2 Trezor ROOBUS Office pohled 3

Technical Parameters

Model Sec. Class External Dimensions (mm) Internal Dimensions (mm) Capacity Weight
H W D H W D l kg
101 I 680 600 600 570 490 385 108 180
201 I 800 600 600 670 510 385 132 205
301 I 950 600 600 820 510 385 161 235
401 I 1150 700 600 1040 590 385 236 310
501 I 1300 700 600 1190 590 385 270 350
601 I 1750 800 600 1540 690 385 409 555
701 I 1850 950 600 1740 840 385 563 600
801 I 1850 1250 600 1740 1140 385 764 750
102 II 680 600 600 570 490 385 108 200
202 II 800 600 600 670 510 385 132 230
302 II 950 600 600 820 510 385 161 260
402 II 1150 700 600 1040 590 385 236 345
502 II 1300 700 600 1190 590 385 270 390
602 II 1750 800 600 1540 690 385 409 620
702 II 1850 950 600 1740 840 385 563 670
802 II 1850 1250 600 1740 1140 385 764 835
Safe in the interior

Jsme si vědomi toho, že trezor je trvalou součástí vašeho domova či kanceláře. Proto si jeho vzhled můžete individuálně uzpůsobit tak, aby barevně ladil s interiérem. Povrchová úprava totiž perfektně doplňuje přitažlivost celého trezoru. Můžete se rozhodnout, zda má trezor nenápadně harmonizovat

se svým okolím nebo zda bude designovým solitérem, který na sebe upoutá pozornost. Záleží jen na vás a na vaší fantazii jaké barvy zvolíte. Nebo se nechte inspirovat osobitými a vkusnými kombinacemi, které jsme pro vás připravili.

Trezor ROOBUS Office

Click on the icon with the colour to display the preview of the interior in the selected colour combination.